• Phone: 055 268 4348
  • elementsayurvedafuj@gmail.com
  • Opening Hours - 9 AM - 1 PM, 5 PM- 9 PM
  • Choose Nature, Choose Ayurveda

    Certified Personals

    An MOH licensed clinic exclusively for Ayurveda

  • Holistic medicine is our specialty

  • Be Healthy and Happy

    Guiding you through a healthy life

Choose Nature, Choose Ayurveda….

The 5000-year-old Indian Science, Ayurveda thrives even today because of its unique approach to the concept of a healthy and happy life. Everything in this universe is made of the 5 elements -Ether, Air, Fire, Water & Earth and so are we. The humans are a unique combination of these five elements & Atman or Soul. When these elements are in a state of imbalance, they have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. Ayurveda focuses on bringing these five elements into a balance both internally and externally.

The concept of 5 element ( Panchamahabhoota ) is not limited to Ayurveda but we find it in many other Indian philosophies

What We Do

Our Services

Ayurveda consultation

Prior booking

An in-depth consultation with our Ayurveda Practitioner for identifying the real cause of dysfunction in your body that...

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Ayurveda consultation

Ayurveda Therapies

Always take Ayurveda therapies after a proper consultation.

Ayurveda says the results of Ayurveda treatment taken without proper assessments is...

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Ayurveda Therapies

Ayurveda health maintenance programs

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Ayurveda health maintenance programs

Ayurveda panchakarma

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Ayurveda panchakarma

Ayurveda And Five Elements

Ayurveda considers humans to be a micro-version of the universe. Humans are also made of the five great elements –

Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether which form the building blocks of the entire cosmos.

Make an Appointment


Meet Our Team

Medical Director

Dr Sangeetha Madhu

MOH Licensed Ayurveda Practitioner with more than a decade of experience .

Excellent medical knowledge and reasoning ability, Skillfulness and purity of action.

Profound practical experience .

Therapists (Paricharaka) with Affection, Care & Dedication towards our patients

Cleanliness of their body, mind and speech creating a positive vibe
Efficiently& intelligently performs the therapies suggested by our Practitioner

Ayurvedic Solutions in healthcare

A Vaidya (Ayurveda Practitioner) understands the state of the 5 elements in your body through 3 metaphors – Vata, Pitta , Kapha -TRIDOSHAS.

  • Ether    +  Air >> Vata
  • Fire      +  Water >> Pitta
  • Water  +   Earth>> Kapha

The assessment is made based on symptoms exhibited by the 3 doshas in the patient’s body.
Eg. Severe dryness of body, pain in the body, sleeplessness etc indicates Vata imbalance –
ie imbalance of Ether and Air mahabhutas in your body
Excess heat and burning sensation indicate Pitta imbalance-
ie imbalance of Fire & Water
Excess weight gain, excess sleep, phlegm etc indicates Kapha imbalance-
ie imbalance of Water & Earth

Thus, the structural aspects of human body are best explained by the panchamahabhuta theory and the tridosha theory explains its functional aspect. All actions can be grouped grossly into Constructive (Kapha) Destructive (Pitta), Regulatory (Vata) as per Ayurveda.

Ayurveda continues its journey in healing mankind, based on the simple principle of using the opposites in balancing.eg, cold for hot, moisture for dry, soft for hard, heavy for light and so on.

A Vaidya (Ayurveda Practitioner) gives you advices on dietary and lifestyle modifications & suggestions on the therapies useful for an ailment considering constitution, age, season & many other factors

Ayurveda-Adding years to life and life to years

The individualized membership program designed exclusively for you by our Vaidya (Ayurveda practitioner) with 3months, 6 months and 1 year validity helps you to stay healthy and happy making your life more lively.
The validity of membership program lapses after its period of expiry

Value yours and others time

Prior booking required for all treatments.
Treatment duration will be as specified by the practitioner (Vaidya) according to your health condition
Kindly cooperate and be on time for the treatment
You lose priority for a delay of more than 10 minutes in arriving for treatment

Why Choose Elements Ayurveda Centre

  • Exclusive diagnostic criteria purely based on Ayurveda
  • Personalised approach of Ayurveda in treatment including dietary & lifestyle modifications
  • Makes you realise your role in disease progress, treatment & further prevention
  • Empathetic approach from our MOH licensed doctor and staff that you will always cherish.
  • Separate male and female therapist
  • Reimbursement with all major insurances in UAE
  • No compromise on hygiene, COVID protocols & quality of the products used in treatment
  • Located at an easily accessible area with ample parking space

“Just as an uprooted tree doesn’t grow again so are the diseases treated with Ayurveda.”

– Acharya Charaka

Our Therapies

Why choose us?

Daily Care

Helps you customize your daily routines Therapies like Abhyangam , Udwarthanam can also be included in...

Occupational Care

Focuses in managing Stress & related issues | Neck pain | Back pain | Eye strain...

Post-natal Care

The Ayurveda Post-natal care in Ayurveda aims at the early restoration of posture, body shape, muscle...

Sports Care

Our sports care focuses on • Ligament injuries- partial tears • Strain & Sprains • Shoulder...

Lets Talk


    Contact Details

    • Al Afari tower, Office no. 1, Behind City Tower Hotel, Fujairah.
    • 055 268 4348
    • elementsayurvedafuj@gmail.com

    We accept all insurance cards on reimbursement basis as per the regulations of the UAE government

    Book your appointments on our clinic landline or helpline no.