• Phone: 055 268 4348
  • elementsayurvedafuj@gmail.com
  • Opening Hours - 9 AM - 1 PM, 5 PM- 9 PM

Ayurveda consultation

Prior booking

An in-depth consultation with our Ayurveda Practitioner for identifying the real cause of dysfunction in your body that results in your ailment.

She makes a detail assessment of your ailment through inspection, palpation and interrogation. The Ayurveda diagnosis of your ailment is made through the specific diagnostic tools mentioned in Ayurveda. Modern investigating techniques may also be made use for additional confirmations if required. Ayurveda don’t recommend a generalized approach for your ailments as it considers every individual to be unique.

Treatment is planned as per her assessment which might include

  • Simple dietary or life style modifications
  • Prescription of herbal decoctions or medicines
  • Ayurveda therapies and Panchakarma procedures

Always take Ayurveda treatments after a proper consultation.

Ayurveda says the results of Ayurveda treatment taken without proper assessment is always just by chance