• Phone: 055 268 4348
  • elementsayurvedafuj@gmail.com
  • Opening Hours - 9 AM - 1 PM, 5 PM- 9 PM


Holistic Approach

It’s a healing practice that considers person as a whole-body, mind, spirit , emotions. Imbalances in any one of these can badly affect the rest.

In a holistic approach, all aspects of the patients life needs a correction including the diet ,regimens etc. No system of medicine is complete. Identifying the right approach at the right time is required for a better treatment outcome.

Holistic approach works wonderfully in a variety of ailments related to

  • Auto immune conditions
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Diabetes and endocrine disorders
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Stress related disorders

Uniqueness is your specialty

Maintaining the uniqueness within you is our specialty